
“If there’s one thing we’ve learned during tens of thousands of mentoring hours, it is that it’s not because you are a big organization that you can’t operate with the agility of a start-up, and it’s not because you’re an SMB that you can’t achieve

extraordinary, large-organization scale performance. With the proper strategies, you can meet your goals. It’s even easier than you may think, and Deutsch Group will show you how.” – Haim Deutsch, Founder and CEO of Deutsch Group

We build NEW muscle memory

Established in 2006 as Agile Spirit, Deutsch Group brings the DNA of the Start-Up Nation, Israel, to organizations worldwide that are genuinely willing to change and become leaders in their domain.

In a world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity – VUCA – the future of an organization relies on its ability to leverage unavoidable crises into opportunities.
We have re-invented the entire concept of organizational consulting, and based on the Deutsch Way, we train, mentor and guide organizations of all sizes and in any industry to achieve top performance.

We have trained over 2000 leaders, at hundreds of organizations, to become adaptive and antifragile, enabling them to grow and become stronger through volatility and stress.

Our clients include start-ups and large organizations such as Intel, HP, Cisco, Microsoft, Israel Police, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, McAfee, IAI, and many more.

Our Mission

To change the DNA of organizations worldwide, to instill in them
adaptivity as they face a reality characterized by volatility,
uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA).

To bring organizations to their peak performance, boosting their ELP®
(Energy, Leadership, Performance) score, optimizing their use of
resources, and realizing the full potential of their people, so that
they may achieve maximum productivity and record profitability.

Our Values

The values that drive us are the very values we seek to instill in the
organizations we serve. We believe in them because we know from
first-hand experience that they are the keys to success.



We have a passion for...
smashing glass ceilings · finding creative solutions to seemingly impossible situations · breaking vicious cycles that create a destructive and dangerous reality · changing reality for organization and people



We have the courage to...
tell the truth explicitly, even when it's not popular · challenge those in power, even though it may endanger our standing with them · take total ownership, even if others are at fault · go against the flow · question everything, especially the 'impossible' · meet profound problems head on · say "I do not know" · go back to the drawing board, even when much has been invested in a solution · reinvent ourselves every day



We have the wisdom to...
make smart and quick decisions · individualize similar but different concepts · distinguish between a situation, its symptoms and the root cause · simultaneously look at multiple levels of reality · connect the dots and expose a clear, simplified picture



We have the mental strength to...
persevere even when things get tough · step, and stay, outside of our comfort zone · see problems as challenges to be overcome · seek out the minimal changes that will bring maximum impact · drive change · capitalize on failures and leverage crises to continuously improve ourselves



It’s not only the journey that’s important – it is who accompanies you along the way
Led by founder Haim Deutsch, the Deutsch Group team brings together extensive knowledge and professional experience, from a range of fields.

Haim Deutsch

With a passion, instinct, and unique corporate intuition, Haim has been leading the Deutsch Group (formerly Agile Spirit) for nearly two decades, reinventing organizational consulting every step of the way.
Haim's unique understanding of organizations began in early childhood, when a glimpse into the adult world was enough for him to recognize that organizations are living ecosystems. In 'treating' these ecosystems, Haim employs the tools, experience and unique world view that he has accumulated over the years – as a soldier in an elite unit of the IDF, as a manager in both start-ups and multinational corporations, including Elbit, Intel and Rafael, and through his own personal success in overcoming ADHD.


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